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Casey Allen, Ph.D.
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Publications (Peer Reviewed Journals)
On the Influence of Initial Conditions and Facility Effects on Rapid Compression Machine Data
J. Ezzell, C. Allen
Experimental Validation of an Unscented Kalman Filter for Estimating Transient Engine Exhaust Composition with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
D. Wilson, C. Allen
Speciated Transient Gasoline Engine Emissions Under Optimally-Controlled Speed-Load Trajectories
D. Lehmier, J. Rehn III, W. Herzberg, D. Wilson, C. Allen
A Bayesian Estimation Model for Transient Engine Exhaust Characterization using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 31, pp. 11156-11168 (2017)
D. Wilson, C. Allen
A Comparison of Sensitivity Metrics for Two-Stage Ignition Behavior in Rapid Compression Machines
Fuel, Vol. 208, pp. 305-313 (2017)
D. Wilson, C. Allen
Application of a Multi-Zone Model for the Prediction of Species Concentrations in Rapid Compression Machine Experiments
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 171, pp. 185-197 (2016)
D. Wilson, C. Allen
Autoignition Behavior of Synthetic Alternative Jet Fuels: An Examination of Chemical Composition Effects on Ignition Delays at Low to Intermediate Temperatures
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 35, pp. 2983-2991 (2015)
D. Valco, G. Gentz, C. Allen, M. Colket, T. Edwards, S. Gowdagiri, M. Oehlschlaeger, E. Toulson, T. Lee
Conventional and Bio-Derived Jet Fuel Surrogate Modeling in Low Temperature and Lean Combustion
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 29, pp. 4597-4607 (2015)
A. Oldani, D. Valco, K. Min, J. Edwards, C-B. Kweon, C. Allen, T. Lee
JP-5 and HRJ-5 Autoignition Characteristics and Surrogate Modeling
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 27, pp. 7790-7799 (2013)
C. Allen, D. Valco, E. Toulson, J.H. Yoo, T. Lee
Characterization of the Effect of Fatty Ester Composition on the Ignition Behavior of Biodiesel Fuel Sprays
Fuel, Vol. 111, pp. 659-669 (2013)
C. Allen, E. Toulson, D. Tepe, H. Schock, D. Miller, T. Lee
Ignition Behavior and Surrogate Modeling of JP-8 and of Camelina and Tallow Hydrotreated Renewable Jet Fuels at Low Temperatures
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 160, pp. 232-239 (2013)
C. Allen, D. Valco, E. Toulson, T. Edwards, T. Lee
Application of a Novel Charge Preparation Approach to Testing the Autoignition Characteristics of JP-8 and Camelina Hydroprocessed Renewable Jet Fuel
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 159, pp. 2780-2788 (2012)
C. Allen, E. Toulson, T. Edwards, T. Lee
Ignition Characteristics of Diesel and Canola Biodiesel Sprays in the Low-Temperature Combustion Regime
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 25, pp. 2896-2908 (2011)
C. Allen, E. Toulson, D. Hung, H. Schock, D. Miller, T. Lee
Modeling the Autoignition of Fuel Blends with a Multi-step Model
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 25, pp. 632-639 (2011)
E. Toulson, C. Allen, D. Miller, J. McFarlane, H. Schock, T. Lee
An Aerosol Rapid Compression Machine for Studying Energetic-Nanoparticle-Enhanced Combustion of Liquid Fuels
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 33, pp. 3367-3374 (2010)
C. Allen, G. Mittal, C.-J. Sung, E. Toulson, T. Lee
Optimization of a Multi-step Model for the Auto-Ignition of Dimethyl Ether in a Rapid Compression Machine
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 24, pp. 3510-3516 (2010)
E. Toulson, C. Allen, D. Miller, H. Schock, T. Lee
Modeling the Auto-Ignition of Oxygenated Fuels using a Multi-step Model
Energy & Fuels, Vol. 24, pp. 888-896 (2010)
E. Toulson, C. Allen, D. Miller, T. Lee